Friday, July 24, 2009

Week Nine in Belize

Sunday I spent the day packing up some of the things I will not need the last week I’m here. It was kind of sad packing up my things. It’s hard to believe that my internship and time down here in Belize is coming to a close. I have learned so much and made great friendships. This week will be full of tying up loose ends and such.

Monday was a blur; the office was filled with lots of people who are going to be out in the Chiquibul monitoring Macaws this week. I began to work on my July report and collecting photos I would need for the rest of my PowerPoint. I also met with Pedro to discuss his trip to Guadalajara. He learned a lot about running and environmental education program.

Tuesday morning I worked on my July report. In the afternoon we had a staff meeting where I presented my PowerPoint to them. They all really liked it. We also discussed the different proposals Rafael has been working on and Pedro’s trip. Other topics covered were the sign-in sheet and issues with communication. After work Rafael, Derric, and I drove up to the Vaca Forest Reserve. They will be monitoring the wildlife up there since the area will be changing with the addition of the new dam.

Wednesday I finished my July report. The office was in upheaval all day since the printer stopped working. In the afternoon, I was surprised when all my co-workers threw me a going away party.

Thursday was a pretty slow day. I was just finishing up odds and ends before I head home. Friday was much the same with the exception of me assisting Ms. Olivia with her summer program.

This weekend I will be getting ready to go home and spending time with my host family. I hope that everyone has had a splendid summer and knows that I have greatly appreciated all the love and support you have given me. I have learned so much during my internship in Belize and will never forget the many adventures I have had. I will be seeing you soon, until then be safe and be happy.

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